Keywords: intelligent transport systems, navigation safety, human factor, loss of stability, regular disturbance, restoring moment


Reducing energy consumption in maritime transport, as well as the associated emission reductions and environmental improvements, are particularly relevant. The ways of solving these issues are different, but most often structural solutions, hydrodynamic solutions, sails, or modern power plants are used. Reducing energy consumption can also be achieved due to proper route planning, psychological training of the crew, automation of traffic control processes. The article proposes a method to minimize energy consumption using redundant control. Redundant structures of actuating devices are widely used on modern ships, in particular, on ships with a dynamic positioning system. Traditional purpose of redundant structures is to increase the reliability of the actuating control system and increase the maneuverability of the vessel. The proposed method also uses redundant structures available on ships to minimize fuel consumption. The subject of research are models and methods of optimizing energy consumption, due to the use of redundant control. The aim of the study is to minimize energy consumption for operations. To solve the problem, a systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, imaginary experiment, methods of automatic control theory, numerical methods of conditional optimization, and mathematical modeling were used. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the development of a method for determining optimal controls that minimize energy costs for performing operations by solving optimization problem with constraints in the on-board computer of the automatic or automated control system, unlike known solutions, it uses redundant controls for optimization and allows reducing energy costs by (35–50) %. At the same time, the additional load on the calculation cycle of the on-board computer does not exceed (25–50) ms, which is (2.5–5) % of the total load. The practical value of the obtained results consists in checking the workability and efficiency of the developed method by mathematical modeling and the possibility of its use in the on-board computer of the automated ship motion control system with redundant structures of actuating devices.


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